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Forum: Chatter
Last Post: Miasma
04-28-2023, 03:46 AM
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I get a little bit genghi...
Forum: Laxus Keep
Last Post: Rivka
04-27-2023, 06:16 PM
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oh no, our table, it's br...
Forum: Laxus Keep
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04-27-2023, 12:56 AM
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style of smile
Forum: Primoris Basin
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04-26-2023, 12:49 AM
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“They’re gonna date” “THE...
Forum: Luminare Grove
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03-08-2023, 04:41 PM
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i like to ate ate ate, ap...
Forum: Ardua Mire
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02-22-2023, 04:12 PM
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Lamprey Aekyr-Fox
Forum: Joining
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02-21-2023, 11:09 PM
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simple combustion
Forum: Solum Strait
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02-20-2023, 11:57 PM
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They call me barrel rider
Forum: Cinis River
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02-20-2023, 10:48 PM
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Candycanes and spite
Forum: Scarlet Tarn
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02-07-2023, 12:29 AM
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Abecassis |
Posted by: Cardé - 02-06-2023, 06:32 AM - Forum: Joining
- Replies (1)
Character's Full Name: Abecassis
Link to Character's Profile: Here!
Any parent fur/eye colors for their genotype: father blue/black with blue eyes, mother silver-timber with gray eyes
Level of Fertility: normal
DESIRED TRAIT POINTS — please allocate a total of 10 points!
Strength: 3
Agility: 2
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 3
“They’re gonna date” “THEY’VE PENETRATED THE GATE?!?” |
Posted by: Rolland - 02-03-2023, 11:40 PM - Forum: Luminare Grove
- Replies (3)
Honestly? The gods were bastards, sometimes. Making him show up in the middle of nowhere, or at least, nowhere he knew. Riddled with arthritis, suffering from old-man-itis, an empty stomach, and not to mention it was freezing outside. The whole combination was just…bad. A grumble of annoyance rolled from Rolland, his teeth ground together causing his jaw to ache from the sheer amount of pressure he was applying.
Life was kind of, sort of, very miserable.
While traversing the unknown area, Rolland
paused every so often, attempting to stretch out his afflicted joints and gain any ounce of relief he could. Although, it was usually all for naught. The man felt like a weeping old willow, hearing the way his joints creaked with each stride. Jeez, when did he get so old and crunchy sounding?
It was the scent of a hare that caught his attention, tongue slipping out and swiping across his lips hungrily. Ever-so-slightly, Rolland increased his pace, but even that hair-line adjustment spurred a throbbing ache in his hips and shoulders. A growl pressed out, a hiss of a breath into the air coupled with a side-eyed glare towards his hind legs.
At this rate, Rolland wasn’t sure if it would be the pain and old age, or starvation that he would fall victim to first.
Allowing his body to crumple and fall, he hit the ground with a thud, all the while he simply watched the hare prance away. His belly rumbled in retaliation, but there was no chance of catching it. So he chose to lay there, unmoving, contemplating his position in life. The frozen dirt was solid and unforgiving, by the gods he was uncomfortable, yet he made no attempt to stand again.
”Dunno what to do without ya, Lenore,” Rolland mumbled to himself, too distracted by his inner turmoil to even notice the small flurries — or maybe he just didn’t care anymore?
Naga Daniels |
Posted by: Naga - 02-02-2023, 05:40 PM - Forum: Joining
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Character's Full Name: Naga Daniels
Link to Character's Profile:
Any parent fur/eye colors for their genotype:
Ezekiel: Black/White + Amber
Nima: Agouti (naga) + Yellow
Level of Fertility: Normal
DESIRED TRAIT POINTS — please allocate a total of 10 points!
Strength: 3
Agility: 2
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 3
simple combustion |
Posted by: Mauti - 02-02-2023, 05:59 AM - Forum: Solum Strait
- Replies (1)
// just putting this here for now, expect slow replies until <a href="">this thread</a> is close to finished
After the hunt by the lake Mauti had decided to travel south, following the banks of a river that meandered through the empty plains. She hadn't been able to cover good distance in the thick snow, however, and as the storm's wrath picked up, she'd decided to seek shelter.
It came in the form of a small overhang, about ten feet across, that jutted out from a collection of boulders. It was still fairly open to the elements, even under its protection, so she'd tucked herself into the very back of it, curling in on herself to look out at the landscape beyond. She could just barely see where the land dipped into the river's edge; trees, sparsely spread, broke up her vision in neat lines. It was nice, really. Secluded, not as cold as the outside. It gave her the comfort to think back on her encounter with Magnus — how, three days in, she knew what had drawn him to her in the first place.
She'd spent enough time with that light furred boy to know what a heat was, despite this being her first one. And she was grateful in those moments, to him, to how gentle he'd been, informative without being... weird, about it. It prepared her for this — enough to know to stay the fuck away from everyone — and this little nook seemed the perfect place to do just that.
Hours passed wherein she calmly watched the snow, but over time she grew restless. The beginning of an itch rose beneath her skin, sweltering and angry. So she unfurled, slowly stepping out of her little pocket of safety to trot to the river's edge for a drink.
// <a href="">reference</a>, just with more snow and less trees
villager noises |
Posted by: Ferus - 02-02-2023, 05:40 AM - Forum: Ferus Hideaway
- Replies (2)
It was only under the cover of darkness that the dust-covered wolf ventured into the world outside the caves. Hunger drove her to seek something more substantial than barely-sprouted greenery and the odd mouse. This time of year, the roaches, spiders, reptiles and amphibians weren't anywhere to be found to tide Ferus over until better weather revealed itself.
Out into the cold they trekked, then, snowfall gradually hiding the delicate ochre tones of her fur as her eyes fluttered across her mountainside. It was beautiful in the winter, refracted light bouncing off the snow and ice and lighting the entire place up. Ferus preferred the safety of the caves, but took a long moment once they had stretched some of the tension out of her shoulders to simply stand and bear witness to the world.
With their appreciation for mother nature out of the way, Ferus set dutifully upon fulfilling her role in that cycle of life. She set her nose to the snow, inhaling deep. It took a few breaths for the clean alpine air to clear the scents of the caverns from her nostrils, but Feru was patient.
Intelligence roll[roll=1d20+2]
I’m still standing (yeah yeah yeah) |
Posted by: Lestat - 02-02-2023, 05:14 AM - Forum: Elysian Falls
- Replies (2)
The world was silent, aside from the rhythmic thrums of sleet and hail falling against the ground, trees, and nearby falls. Lestat walked at an unbothered pace, even as his body was pelted, his mind was elsewhere entirely. Memories of the previous valleys, and a flickering hope that this one would offer a more permanent reason to stay. It wasn’t until a particularly large drop of sleet slashed to his nose, did he realize the current predicament. Lestat stopped, ears laying flat as he looked up into the darkening sky. It looked bleak and unbreaking.
A huff escaped his lungs with a small air of annoyance, but then a faint smirk appeared for a single beat before fading away. A sudden memory of a dreary storm, and two women foolish enough to not think of shelter. Flicking his tail, Les began to weave into the denser parts of forest, searching for a thickly branched tree to assist in sheltering him from at least some of the storm. He looked a bit unkempt; damp and spiked fur, from an aggressive shake in a half-assed attempt to dry off. Muddied paws and underbelly, from the thawing terrain. And very likely visibly exhausted from constant travel.
A break would be best.
Lestat found his ribcage leaning against the tree trunk, a sudden ache in his bones was enough evidence to back his desire for rest and recuperation. Sliding down, his muscles throbbed ”ah…” under his breath, he involuntarily voiced his discomfort, ”fuck,” nothing more than a whisper. Once his belly reached the frozen ground, it took only a second for him to fully rest his chin to his paws as well.
A lung emptying exhale pressed out. He would never want to get up after this.
Acting on your best behavior, turn your back on Mother Nature |
Posted by: Caesarion - 02-02-2023, 04:22 AM - Forum: Cinis River
- Replies (3)
Caesarion hated winter.
Of the four seasons, it was the worst one — for many reasons. The first was due to the fact that his head hurt, all the time. A throbbing migraine seemed to plague him from the obnoxious reflections that beamed off of ice and snow, even through the night. Usually, he was able to escape the triggers for his discomfort, but not in winter. Not to mention how cold it was all the time, and the lack of food compared to other seasons. It was simply the worst.
Grumbling lowly, Cae slunk through the unfamiliar forest, head low and strides calculated. He was grateful that the snow didn’t seem to be sticking all that much, meaning it would be far more tolerable for travel.
The man clicked his tongue to himself, pausing at the sound of rushing water — a river was just beyond the dense pines. Teal colored eyes stared off, as if focusing harder would somehow make him able to see through the trunks and low hanging branches. Honestly, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting or hoping to see, regardless he saw nothing but the same forest that was in every direction.
”Damn it,” he hissed to himself, picking up pace and closing in on the water source.
I want it that way, TELL ME WHY (ain’t nothing but a heartache) |
Posted by: Leilani - 02-02-2023, 03:39 AM - Forum: Parvus Stream
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As the snow began to fall, covering her strands of cream and tan fur, Lani shivered. Meekly, a golden-green gaze scanned the unknown stream of rolling rapids. She wasn’t certain when it happened, but she was well out of familiar lands now — away from her family, away from her life, and hopefully towards something better. With nearly-frozen paws, Leilani fell short of the water’s edge, uncertain whether it was worth the risk to cross. Should a section be solidly frozen, perhaps it was safe to try. Either that or follow it further south.
A small sigh escaped the woman’s lips, ears slicking back with hesitation as her weight teetered back and forth in consideration. A glance was given to the left, then to the right — a half-hearted attempt at finding someone nearby. But, then again, maybe it was safer to avoid strangers for now? After all, she wasn’t in the most capable state. Underweight and boney from constant travel and a lack of hunting, there wasn’t a chance in hell she would be able to defend herself.