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Character's Full Name: Barbosa
Link to Character's Profile:
Played By: Sauwce
Any parent fur/eye colors for their genotype: Agouti, violet. Brown/beige, green
Roleplay Sample:

The world was new and the ground that her graceful strides crossed was travelled with a knowledgeable mind and the poise of a cat. With ease, the wanderer traversed the landscape with a slow and steady gait. Serenity was her mind, centred and focused on her nomadic ways. Little was a discomfort the woman, at the peak of her life exploring the unknown world. She'd come far since her time in the desert. She'd come far since the canadian wilds and their harsh winters.

Composed, a woman of discipline, and yet she'd not sacrificed empathy for it. Her face was as warm as it had ever been. Her manners always openly accepting of everyone until they'd proven otherwise.

It was weaving through the woods that the healer found immense satisfaction. Joy beaming across her open maw as she pounced over limbs and roots. The snow had been heavy in this region but even she knew that this cold snap wasn't to last long. The days were chilling to the bone and the night ever colder, preserving the fluffy white blankets and transparent sheets of ice. Spring was a couple of moon cycles away and then her job was to begin in full again. A healer. It was a difficult profession for a wolf who travelled often which is why she often used the colder months to keep moving. Not much she could help with when she did not have an inventory hidden away, a cache to keep supplies.

It worked better for her this way, but it did make her job harder if, and when, she came upon somebody in need.

She was often concious of her surroundings, scents breathed through her nose and into the depths of her senses. She knew the animals that littered her trail, the wolves who took purchase to various plots of land. It was her duty to be aware. Nose, eyes and ears.

So when a thump echoed a little ways off. Barbosa easily diverted her route with curiosity.

Perhaps it was sadistic, to wonder if it was somebody injured. Or better yet, kindly to hope that nobody was in pain. She followed her nose to a wolf, the sound only attracting her to the body's direction. No blood, not that she could smell yet but an injury was likely too fresh. Just a wolf that Barbosa initially approached with curiosity until she found herself sighting the body in a heap on the snowy forest floor. Paw steps quickened then, her eyes becoming her key source of information. Watching, studying.

No movement, but there was breathing. Unconscious was the apothecary's first thoughts from the appearance of the body. The lithe frame lay beneath a tree amongst the mounds of snow, a dusting of the white dust across the she-wolf's pelt. She was young, this wolf. Though not a yearling, perhaps just graduating from that youthful period of her life. And skinny. If there was injury, the frailness worried Barbosa.

She approached with caution, in hopes not to spook the girl, however did speak softly in hopes it would lure her back around.

"Oh you poor dear... What a position you've gotten yourself tangled into..." she uttered, lowering her muzzle to gently nudge the doe of a wolf behind the ear.

How did you find Miasma?: Dawn lot.

DESIRED TRAIT POINTS — please allocate a total of 10 points!
Strength: 1
Agility: 2
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 3


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